Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Liza: Peaceful Alpha or Horrendous Monster?

Okay, some of you are familiar with the post I made of Liza before, which you can find here. Well, I've been using up some post time to find some... suspicious things about her.
1. Staying. I understand they say she stayed back to 'protect' us, and to greet new animals. I only see reason in greeting, because I don't know about you but I could kick some phantom behind if I needed to. Plus, It always ends up another Jammer teaching the new-be how to do trade, how to find places, extra, extra. So, if we could do this...did she stay behind because she didn't want to fight? Because she was sided to them, even? Because she's a weak Alpha that would rather sit back and relax than help her alpha friends who put their lives in danger? (Just some things to thinik about.)
2.  She's perfect. Okay, I know this sounds odd, 'she's perfect,' but she does nothign wrong and never messes up. And that can only mean a snob or someone who has a secret. Maybe a deep dark secret?
3. SHE GREETS US!! I know right, scary. It's not that, but the fact that she feels like we're ol' pals, even though WE JUST MET 5 second ago. Plus, I'm not supposed to talk to strangers...
4. I noticed she's on none of the slides when you're switching from place to place. Scared to show her face now, huh?
Okay, this may all sound odd (because it is), but it's jsut some thigns to think about.
Jam on!

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