Monday, February 25, 2013

Rare Monday

Today's Rare Item Monday is the Rare Astronaut Helmet! It is 800 gems. Expensive, But not as expensive as the past weeks lavender knight set. Still, once it's gone, it's GONE!! Get one now :3
Jam on!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


SIDE NOTE: I am switching to my other blog,, very soon, so be ready to check it out instead. :P

Hey Jammers...
I'm so so so so so annoyed, no, IRRITATED that raccoons didn't come out yesterday. *sigh...* and I was all ready for them, too!!!

And for SHAME, I trusted the calendar. Sure, it said 'soon' in it, but still, who does that and works on the loophole!!
Well, I guess I have something to look forward to...that and the hat contest.
I entered at least seven hats, but I really don't think I have a good chance, since they were pretty simple and such...
Oh well.

Jam on!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


No raccoons yet! Keep your eyes open tomorrow for the AJ update!!!!
In the shops, it like AJHQ is sticking with their cowboy theme with a rope Lasso to go along with the Cowboy Hat and Cowboy Boots. Lassos are back items - they circle in the air, hovering above your head. Kind of strange . . . but very creative! What do you think of these new items? Do you think they mean something for Jamaa's future, or are they just another line of clothing? Anyway, here's today's DE "Jammer Art" post!

There's Bani and Kitten in the background! I love it :D :D :D

Foxes are still my favorite animal. Let's see what the raccoons can do. :3

I am a way better drawing with hand than on the computer!

Don't we all?

Because it's all happy in AJ! All it needs is some rainbows.
Check out all this awesome art sent in by Colonel Fastclaws, Arctic Wolf, Victory Magicstar, Sparkle Snowyscout, and Grand ScarytoesJammer Central!
Plus, I was looking around on other blogs and made this: 
As you can obviously see, I switched the name because I like this one BETTER :3

Jam on!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


There's not much news in Jamaa today, but maybe they're holding it back for the big news coming soon... raccoons!
My most favorite thing about new animals is seeing their actions, but whenever I log in I see people already doing them or freaking out and it ruins the surprise for me. :P
I'll try to make the raccoon post as early as possible, because I'll probably hog my computer getting them and ex.
My fellow blogger, cubscout9, thinks there is going to be a surprise new land coming out with the raccoons. She says she thinks so because on AJ's twitter they had an odd land, and there has not been a new land for a while. Plus the birds of paradise party was located where no one had seen before (which I love that land, even if it's super hard to find my buddies) and the party location looks like the background on twitter! You can find her blog here.
*Sigh...* I still need gems so I'll be ready to buy some raccoons. I hope they're not too small... I wish they could be nonmember too, but I highly doubt that because AJ pampers their members. Not that I have a problem with that, being both a member and nonmember. Okay, now everything just starts going into members or nonmembers. I think they're equal, but AJ should have more nonmember items along the way.

Jam on!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Super Quick Post

Since when can you get GLOVES at the Trading Party??
Glitch or are they letting them out again!!??
Jam on!

Liza: Peaceful Alpha or Horrendous Monster?

Okay, some of you are familiar with the post I made of Liza before, which you can find here. Well, I've been using up some post time to find some... suspicious things about her.
1. Staying. I understand they say she stayed back to 'protect' us, and to greet new animals. I only see reason in greeting, because I don't know about you but I could kick some phantom behind if I needed to. Plus, It always ends up another Jammer teaching the new-be how to do trade, how to find places, extra, extra. So, if we could do this...did she stay behind because she didn't want to fight? Because she was sided to them, even? Because she's a weak Alpha that would rather sit back and relax than help her alpha friends who put their lives in danger? (Just some things to thinik about.)
2.  She's perfect. Okay, I know this sounds odd, 'she's perfect,' but she does nothign wrong and never messes up. And that can only mean a snob or someone who has a secret. Maybe a deep dark secret?
3. SHE GREETS US!! I know right, scary. It's not that, but the fact that she feels like we're ol' pals, even though WE JUST MET 5 second ago. Plus, I'm not supposed to talk to strangers...
4. I noticed she's on none of the slides when you're switching from place to place. Scared to show her face now, huh?
Okay, this may all sound odd (because it is), but it's jsut some thigns to think about.
Jam on!

Monday, February 18, 2013


The rare is a firefighter hat on the 5th page of Jamaa Mart CLothing.
I mean, I like it and all (Because it's blue!!) but it's 900 gems. TO some that's not alot, but I'm,er, sort of broke. :P
Well, when I got the Snow Leopard, I got a 15,000 gem bonus. I went on a week long spending spree...because I'm like that.. but my computer is so slow it takes forever to make it up from games!! And now I've ate so many chips my tongue is sore!!
.....but they're so GOOD....
*munch munch munch...*

Heres the DE post on it:

Every Monday, one super rare item is for sale in one of the shops around Jamaa. That’s why it’s called Rare Item Monday!
Today’s rare item is a rare version of a rather popular Jamaa item: a Rare Firefighter Hat!

Rare Firefighter Hats are only for sale today, so pick yours up before they’re gone!!

Jam on!

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Hey Jammers! Recently the really cool Paradise Party came out with awesome music (:D), in theme of jungles, rivers, and most importantly... birds.
I always thought it'd be cool to have a hedghog, armadillo, or bird as a new AJ animal, but that's getting off topic. I checked some other blogs, but currently NO ONE can tell me where each are, so I spent my homework time finding all the birds. So here are my super quick, sort of lazy descriptions. I tried to show as much of the backround as possible...

Moves. And Dances. (I dance better :P)

Flies over. Rockin' the feathers, man, and the tail is ADORABLE!

Flies over.

Stays put like a good birdy. It's feather plumes... to DIE for!!!

Moves quickly up the side of the twig and flies off. Give it some credit on the tail.

Moves and hides in tree. Workin' the tail, bird.

Stays put eating berries down the side of entrance.
I LOVE this tail!

Moves across branch. It's tiny. Tiny things are usually cute. :D

Moves and dances. Could work on some moves.

Moves back and forth then hides. DANCES LIKE A PRO
Dances side to side. :P
Okay, on this one AJ hates me. It won't let me on my member user for now due to loading problems, but here's my other user:
Jam on!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Our Mascot!!

Hey Jammers! Short post, but our mascot, whose name is being polled on the right side of the post, GREW UP!

Please vote on the poll while you still can!!
(I'm also making a new blog, called AnimalJamParty. I'm not positive if I'm really moving to that one or not, but it's an option. I'll keep you posted on if I'm going to keep it up.)
Jam on!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentines and Reality Check


My den will be unlocked for today ONLY as a  pink themed party!!! Welcome anytime!

On to other business...

Hey Jammers!
So I'm still finishing up my Journey Book page (if they move, where they are on the screen, ex.) so it may be a little bit, but I have also been making an Alpha story, if you haven't seen it. It's really cool (at least, twenty people think so) and you can check it out here, on my Alpha page. I have done most of the Alpha's in prfile near the bottom in my own detail (:P) and I hope you like them because I will be making more. I will try to post every week a new one, since I still have to post Monday Rares and the Aj Randomness in the middle of the week dodging studying (boo!) and being on AJ myself to see buddies (yay!). Plus I have to think up, write down, type up, and edit each story section I do, so please cut me some slack.
Now to off topic topics!! On my last post I said I was uncertain about AJ and stuff, but I am happily over it and will try not to whine as I feel I did before. Also, if there is a need for that such of thing or real life related funny stories, I will post them on my new page, Reality Check, where I have moved my last post so you do not panic. And just so you all know, I passed both tests, an A and a B. (Because.. well... I got nothing.)
 I also wanted to say that I've had permission to put out my Clan leader:
(update: She's having a break of AJ. She had a freak out, unbuddied everyone, ex. I'll explain on another post.)
Iffy about clans? If you are looking for a clan, this is why you should join. Here are some reasons:
1. You get to do really anything! We can train, chat, or party to your hearts content.
2. Training is fun and not that rare. We train fighting, hunting, and learning the rules of the clan.
3. Breaks. You can still play games, earn gems, or do whatever you people do.
4. You get to meet leaders and warriors! There are awesome jammers to buddy and play games with in the clan. A clan doesn't have to be strangers, but really good friends.

(If you have any questions about the clan you can write them in comments.)
And really quick, I wanted to announce this jammer.
Awesome Toughboy truly is awesome. In Jamaa a Artic Wolf was sad because people were teasing her, and this brave nm bunny told her it was okay and was kind about it. Thumbs up to orlandor!! Because there aren't many people like that out there anymore. :(
And now off topic again, this is the sort of cutest thing:
A + J
Look closely. Closer. Closer. Not that close-- AAAA! MY EYES, IT BURNS!!! Man, this is just like with Liza and her camara. But I mean, that has to be a little cool for some of you out there, it can't be just me. Clever, yes, but it fits the changing season theme so well!! I bet you've seen it berfore, though. And I'm making a big deal out of it. So this post is really useless. But hey, I thought it was cool....
But what do I know :3

Jam on!
'Think About It' of the week:
Many people think that a genius is someone who is born with the natural ability to create ingenious things without much effort. However, the things that we call ingenious are often simply the result of unbelievable amounts of hard work. So maybe, being a genius is more about being willing to invest what it takes and about never giving up. What about you??

Hey Jammers! To celebrate the Friendship Party and Festival, I decided to hang out with my oldest buddy, who had the twin name as I did. This is how it went...
Because I ate my vegetables:

Jam on!

Blending In :P

Hey Jammers! Some people on AJ think it's all about the rares, or items you have. But I have to disagree, because it's what I'm good at. Now and then, people actually BOTHER on what they look like around especially rare people, which simply shouldn'y matter as much as it does. I mean, would you impersonate the person just to be cool even if it makes you look odd? Well, most say yes to that. For shame.
No offense to anyone who is like that, but I think that the appearence nonsense goes to far. I mean, Aldan users think they are so high and royal above others, but you don't need fancy rares to go. You don't need to only trade if you DO go. It's just another server to choose from.
For example, my blending in as other animals, while being a bunny, only makes me look weird. Except the panda and cat hat, I make it work :P but that's not the point. The point is rares aren't everything, they're pixels, and to stop being so stuck up and full of yourself.  
I don’t really know what to say here, because I’ve been having mixed feelings about AJ ever since I’ve read AJGossip blog. I like it and all but one post (curse my memory of not remembering) really made me feel like AJ was nothing and I’m dumb playing it. I know that’s not what they meant at all or anything, but its how I took it and I JUST bought a new three month membership. So now ill be in a sad-confused- mood for at least a month about my 'acts' on AJ and why I still do it. I mean, it is fun to me because I actually READ the journey book entries and ex. Because they made me Ace my science test :D
Ok now I feel a little better about this. But most of my buddies are all trade and never ever hang out to talk or play games… to be completely honest, most of the time I can’t edit my trade list, looks, or den without someone trying to trade me. I would just take it off trade but my computer would make it be a half hour of putting them back up, a half hour I don’t have between school and study. So here I am, writing late at night to post tomorrow early with two tests tomorrow which I have studied none so ever on to spill this out. My mom works at my school, so since we get up early anyways I try to fit in a post. Forgive me if I cant post, but I'll try.
Wow. I feel SO much better now :D :D
Jam on!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

(Slightly) Important Message

Hey Jammers! Okay, I know practically every single Animal Jam blog out there has daily updates of new items. Guess what? It's boring for anyone, because every site is saying the same thing in different ways. Luckily, that is NO MORE! :D

Now I will only be posting casual, funny stories every two days or earlier that are funner to read and more unique than repeatations. I will have a Monday Rare page updated to keep you posted on what's new and might sneak in lilttle bits of new items- if they're worthy :P

 Currently I'm finishing up detailed touches to a new Journey Book page, so bear with me here. Sorry if this is inconvient, but seriosuly, there are so many more AJ blogs out there of the same old same old, but not this one!!!
So be prepared for some better times, my friends!!!!!!!

Jam on!
Hey Jammers! Today's new item is a underwater furniture item, Pink Treasure, sold in Sunken Treasures.

No posts on the Daily Explorer yet, but there's a new 100,000 gems gift certificate, for sixty bucks!

That is a lot gems, but I think memberships are more worth your money- especially if you get a rare animal in the process, because you can get membership-only items, change colors, ex.

Also, there is this new background on an Animal Jam parent Twitter page!

 Tropical forest and a bright teal river? Where is the land supposed to be? And what are those lands in the background? And alphas everywhere? Looks awesome, because now whenever I open AJ World Map, I keep looking in the top left corner to the unseen lands.
What do you think?
Jam on!


Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday Rare = Finally :D

Hey Jammers!!! Sorry for the wait-- but I got it... now that you probably already know this stuff:

Todays rare-item-monday is the rare knight armor, to go with last weeks Rare Knight Helmet.

It is an EXPENSIVE 1,400 gems. A little pricey but it's still a rare. Get one while you can!!

Todays new item in the Friendship Party is a: Pink Swirled Floor

If only it wasn't pink. Eh, that's my opinion, and what do I know :P

Jam on!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bouquet for two?

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is a Rose Bouquet, which you can buy in Jam Mart Furniture:

A nice gift for that special girl, or a beautiful centerpiece/ decoration in a den!
 Happy and disturbing news!!
The Snow Leopard membership card is on sale this week at select Target stores in the U.S.!
 Usually $15.95, these cards are now only $13.95! But be quick, this sale ends on February 16th! And for all those Jammers, like me, who just so happened to have bought one BEFORE the price cut...well...we tried.
WARNING! Extremely off topic and semi-boring text ahead! To avoid this, ignore all the words between parenthesis. *Warning from the Health Department of Total Boredom*
(Sorry, but everyday I log in to see other blogs and how they word things so I can be a better blogger, and over the weekends, I'm the first one to post compared to the highest bloggers. It annoys me. Well, I got that out, so go ahead and forget you ever read it! Because some bloggers go on and copy the words or images. Not saying that's my case...or is it.....)
 Jam on!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 4- Rare Monday!!!

Hey jammers! Today's rare item is the Rare Knight Helmet, on the ninth page of Jam Mart Clothing.
AJHQ has also done some new posts on the Daily Explorer:
Jam on!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Clan! :)

Hey Jammers! I wanted to say that I've had permission to put out my Clan leader:
This is Silverstar. She's very nice, kind, and super fun to be around! :D
Currently we are taking new recruits, so if you are looking for a clan, this is the one to choose. Here are some reasons:
1. You get to do really anything! We can train, chat, or party to your hearts content.
2. Training is fun and not that rare. We train fighting, hunting, and learning the rules of the clan.
3. Breaks. If you ever log in not in the mood, FrostClan isn't a full-time clan that you must be at every single second you're online. You can still play games or earn gems.
4. You get to meet leaders and warriors! There are awesome jammers to buddy and play games with in the clan. A clan doesn't have to be strangers, but really good friends.
If you have any questions about the clan you can write them in comments.
(Will be updated weekly)
Jam on!