Saturday, February 2, 2013

Random Short Blog (Shout-out to Liza :P)

Sorry, but I can't take this anymore.
Every time I log into AJ I'm happy, calm, nonchalant... and then--- BAM!!!!
DARN YOU LIZA!!!!! MY EYES, IT BURNS!!!  Stop taking pictures-- or turn off the flash, for Mira's sake!! How many could you possibly need? And it's creepy anyways. She didn't even ask. If she did ask, I'd still say no, but OH WELL. Sometimes you have to take the fact that I dont want my



Okay, maybe I'm overreacting just a little. It's nothing personal, Liza, it's just a little annoying when everytime I go on you have to take like twenty pictures of me. Okay, really annoying. Super annoying. THE POINT IS, I'd like you to stop. Maybe it's just her paw twitching to take the picture. She should probably get that fixed.
Jam on!


  1. Waterbender108108, u r super awesome and funny!! I, too, believe in unicorns. Also aliens. I've seen them with my OWN EYES!!! Btw, cheese is AWESOME. I used to have an account on AJ, but I quit cause I've been so busy with other things. I sent all my stuff to my friend. I hope I can meet you sometime!!! :3

    1. Thanks! If you ever go on AJ you can try and buddy me :D
